
Richard Crenian | The Business Series | Turning Prospects Into Clients

How do you know when you’ve made it? To put it plainly, when people seek you out rather than you having to go prospecting to close a sale.

Richard Crenian reiterates the importance of valuable and trustworthy business relationships. Sales don’t happen overnight. They are a byproduct of years of credibility building, after which you become a respected and recognizable fixture within the industry you operate.

Once you’ve established yourself as a leader, prospects become customers.


Richard Crenian | The Business Series | Importance of Making Relationships Early

Making a sale isn’t a sprint, it’s a marathon. Building business relationships based on trust and value takes years of careful dedication and a genuine concern for the client. Richard Crenian explains why having a stellar product isn’t enough to close a sale. The client needs to be convinced of your credibility before investing in your product.

Start strong and start today.


Richard Crenian | The Business Series | How to Build Business Relationships

In business, what comes first? The sale or the relationship?

Richard Crenian and Brad Powe touch upon the bedrock of all successful sales – building a trustworthy and valuable relationship with the customer prior to the purchase. As in most situations, first impressions truly reflect commitment. Looking and talking the part – these lend themselves to your credibility. Following that, a good businessman also expresses a genuine interest in their client – get them talking about them and their interests. Lastly, credibility needs to be cushioned by knowledge and experience about the focal point of the sale – your product. This needs to be backed by sufficient research – is the client in need of what you’re selling, whether knowingly or unknowingly?

These criteria lay the groundwork for a successful sale.